The Tax That You Ask to Pay

Usually, people want to avoid unnecessary taxes–except for one.  That one they line up to pay, even though it’s a voluntary tax.  Stranger yet, people think paying this tax makes them money.  What strange, upside down world am I talking about?

The Lottery

Do you think of it as a tax?  You should–that’s how states use it. 11 states made more money on lottery sales than from corporate income taxes.

  1. Only 62% of lottery revenues are paid as winnings – overall that’s a 38% tax, a higher tax rate than households making half a million dollars.
  2. The rare winners of $600 or more pay up to 45% on the winnings after state and federal taxes.
  3. How does this affect the poor?  Since most gambling money is drained from the poor a family making $30,000 a year would lose 10% of its income by regular gambling.  The state income tax averages only 5%.

If you love people–hate Powerball.