Powerball:  Threat or Menace?

Dazed looking man with fake rubber knife through his headHow should we think about Powerball?

  1. Harmless indulgence?
  2. Best option for retirement?
  3. Self destruction 2 bucks at a time?
  4. At least it helps the schools?
  5. Preys on the poor?


  1. No   Why Winning the Powerball Will Make You Broke and Miserable.
  2. No – Voluntary 38% tax on the winners vs. long term investment gains
  3. Yes – See Death, Poverty, Misery, and Taxes.
  4. No – States with gambling “funding” education  spend LESS budget on education.
  5. Yes – For the poor, gambling is a 5% voluntary tax.  Add that to the 14% of income that the poor spend on tobacco, and you’re left wondering why the poor should support the rest of us.
