Is Tax Reform Good or Bad for Roth Conversion?

self assured cartoon faceSo, is the new tax reform good or bad for Roth conversions?  The easy answer is “yes”!

Roth conversions are a useful option to move money from a standard IRA to a Roth IRA.  Standard IRA contributions are tax deductible but you’re taxed when you withdraw the money.  Roth gives no up front tax break, but the money isn’t taxed when you withdraw it.

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One last Scaramucci speech to analyze

Baseball player clearly outWhat did Anthony Scaramucci do before briefly entertaining us/appalling us as press secretary?  He was the very successful founder of Skybridge Capital.  By successful, I mean that he made a lot of money from mom and pop investors and provided them with below average returns.  See Skybridge Capital’s own dismal report card.

In the very engaging Freakonomics broadcast of The Stupidest Thing You Can Do With Your Money, the host, Stephen Dubner, interviews Scaramucci about his hatred of the Fiduciary Rule and of index funds.  Scaramucci’s answers are worth thinking about.  It’s a shame he didn’t think about them.

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Should the Fiduciary Rule Get the Axe?

axe in chopping block

The Fiduciary Rule for financial advisors appears to be on its way out before ever coming into effect.  How should we feel about that?  Advocates say investors are often abused with unsuitable and expensive investment advice; the investment industry critics say it is a radical change that imposes substantial burdens, reduces their profits and limits investor choices.  Who’s right?

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What Will The Stock Market Do With Donald Trump as President?

Confused little girl with eyes crossed

There aren’t many alternatives to the stock market if we want to retire someday, help our kids with college, etc.  So, now that the election is over, what will the stock market do?
​There’s never any shortage of opinion, so let’s do a quick survey of expert predictions:

Hmmmm… Let’s look at actual history for a guide:

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