In Defense of Fat & Muscle

Lean woman in fat pants

Fat gets a bad rap but it’s amazingly efficient for storing energy.  Having no fat is a serious and painful genetic disorder.   Muscles let us do things and live our lives; nobody talks down muscle but that’s a different thing from maintaining that muscle.

But we do things as nonsensical as eliminating all fat and losing all muscle and that’s what I want to talk about in celebrating Frank Armstrong Day.  It isn’t a national holiday (yet) but together we could make it happen!  Consider the success of  International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

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10 Ways to Lose Money In the Stock Market

Burning a $100 billIf you wanted to lose money in the stock market, how would you do it?

This is a challenge, as the S&P returned 5.3% per year over the past 15 years (yes, even counting the dreaded 2008).

While it seems nearly impossible to lose money, a lot of work has been put into giving you ways to reliably lose money (although I’d plead with you not to use any of them).

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What is Diversification?

Basket full of colored eggs

If you look at good material on investing for any length of time, you’ll read about diversification.  This is the basic wisdom of not keeping all of your eggs in one basket.  While there’s still no free lunch, diversification is a close second because on the average it both makes you more money and reduces your risk.
So, how do you do it?

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